Ajinomoto Group Suppliers Hotline is a whistleblower system exclusively for our suppliers. Please read the following carefully before you use the system.
◆ Purpose
We would like to ask you to report to this Hotline whenever board members and/or employees of the Ajinomoto Group have or may have violated laws and regulations or performed any acts against “Group Shared Policy on Procurement” or “Group Shared Policy for Suppliers”. Please make sure not to use this Hotline for any other purpose than those mentioned above (e.g., false reports, reports to make dishonest profits or to harm other people and the like).
◆ Protection of Contents of Reports and Acceptance of Anonymous Reports
Contents of reports and personal identifiers of whistleblowers will be treated in a cautions manner as confidential information. Anonymous reports can be accepted; however, please understand that we may find it difficult to conduct thorough investigations, protect whistleblowers or take appropriate corrective measures without knowing your name, and, we may not be able to provide reports.
We recommend that you reveal your name and contact when you report so that we can communicate with you concerning your report and carry out fair and impartial investigations.
When you provide us with your name, etc., only the person(s) in charge of investigations will retain such information and keep it confidential. Also, unless you clearly say that this is a report “from your company”, it will be treated as your personal report and we will not reveal your information to your company without your prior approval.
◆ Organization Dealing with Reports
Ajinomoto Business Conduct Committee Secretariat’s Office will take charge of confirming the contents of reports and conducting investigations. The disclosure of reports to people other than those who receive reports will be on a need-to-know basis.
◆ Protection of Whistleblowers
Due to the fact of whistleblowing, whistleblowers or their companies will never suffer detrimental treatment.
Personal information of whistleblowers will be properly treated based on the Privacy Policy on the following site.
Inquiries relating to Suppliers Hotline: contact Ajinomoto Legal Affairs & Compliance Department at